KOOTENAI COUNTY, Idaho — A heated moment at a Kootenai County Republican Central Committee (KCRCC) town hall on Saturday has sparked fierce responses from both Democrats and Republicans.
Video posted of the event to social media shows some members of the Kootenai County Democrats being forcibly removed from the meeting.
KCRCC said the group caused repeated disruptions, cheering each time DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) was mentioned and booing statements about The Bible or President Trump.
The Idaho State Democrats released a statement on Facebook on Sunday saying, in part, “it was clear organizers did not intend to allow dialogue between legislators and the constituents they serve.” You can read the full statement here.
“There are a lot of us that do not march in lock-step with the KCRCC. And our legislators have to learn how to represent all of us. They need to learn how to be in the same space as people who disagree with them,” said Evan Koch, Chair of Kootenai County Democratic Central Committee.
KCRCC posted on Facebook, claiming North Idaho Republican, Christa Hazel, helped rally people to disrupt the town hall.
4 News Now reached out to Hazel who said she was not at the town hall, but said the videos were “scary” to see.
Some of KCRCC’s Facebook posts read, in part, “The activists’ relentless yelling and insults had left the meeting in disarray, but midway through the Q&A session, the disruptive leftists finally relented, giving up their efforts and walking out in frustration, swearing and yelling final jabs as they departed.”
You can read KCRCC’s Facebook posts here.
There is still confusion around the identity of the woman shown being forcibly removed from the meeting, as well as the identity of those who removed her.
4 News Now reached out to KCRCC about the security guards, but did not hear back by the time of this article’s publication.
The Idaho Democratic Party said it’s disappointing to see the way a woman who voiced her dissent was treated at the town hall.
This is a developing story.