OLYMPIA, Wash. — Math scores are declining in Washington’s middle schools, according to a new report from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).
According to the 2024 Nation’s Report Card published by NAEP, 4th grade math and reading skills showed significant progress since the last report in 2022 while 8th graders showed a measurable decline in math skills in that time period.
The Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction said only four states performed significantly higher than Washington’s 4th-grade students in math while 14 states outperformed 8th-grade students in math. In 2022, only 8 states outperformed Washington 8th graders in math.
“One area that is a significant concern is 8th grade math,” said State Superintendent Chris Reykdal. “Over the last several rounds of the NAEP administration, we have seen our students make progress in math from 4th to 8th grade compared to other states. This year, however, we see the opposite: Our fourth graders made gains in math, while our eighth graders lost ground.”
According to NAEP, 59% of Washington 8th graders scored at or above the NAEP Basic level, a decrease from 64% in 2022. The percentage of students who performed at or above proficiency was 30%, which NAEP says was not significantly different than the 28% reported in 2022.
The NAEP Basic level represents partial mastery of fundamental knowledge and skills. The proficient level represents “solid academic performance for each NAEP assessment;” students at this level can understand and utilize complex subject matter.
Superintendent Reykdal said he has a plan to combat these results. This plan fully funds basic education, increases investments in the state’s Learning Assistance Program, and dedicates more time to math instruction in elementary school. Reykdal said he will also have regional math efforts to prioritize professional learning opportunities for educators teaching math to grades 5-8.
“This legislative session, I put forward funding proposals to make gains in multiple critical areas,” Reykdal said. “Our schools are doing the best they can to battle the effects of inflation while maintaining high-quality programming and services for students, but we can’t expect them to hold the line year after year with no relief in sight. There is no question that state funding in public education has not kept pace with the real costs of providing services, and my proposals aim to close those gaps.”
NAEP said students identified as economically disadvantaged had an average score that was 36 points lower than other students. This learning gap was significantly wider than the 23-point differential reported in 2003.